by CaigerandCo
26 November 2018
The Caiger and Co women in food event on the 8th November strived to bring together a group of prominent and successful women within the food and hospitality industry. The main feature of this evening was a screening of the film “Goddesses of Food”, written and directed by the wonderful and inspirational Verane Frediani. The evening took place at Norn’s Shoreditch townhouse, which provided the perfect setting for an intimate and inclusive occasion celebrating film, food and female empowerment. The intention was to raise awareness and promote the successes of both women, and men, within this thriving and extensive industry; bringing together female chefs, bloggers, entrepreneurs and passionate foodies. The night consisted of a unique canape menu put together by one of our talented chefs, Sophie Godwin, who managed to innovatively align each course with a cuisine that featured in the film, which was paired with wines chosen by the talented Margot Tyson. To give you a cheeky taster of what was on offer, we serve